接口MemoryPoolMXBean public interfaceMemoryPoolMXBean 内存池的管理接口。内存池表示由 Java 虚拟机管理的内存资源,由一个或多个内存管理器对内存池进行管理。 Java 虚拟机具有此接口的实现类的一个或多个实例。实现此接口的实例是MXBean,可以通过调用ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans()方法或从平台MBeanServer...
System.out.println("MemoryManagerNames: "+ Arrays.toString(memoryPoolMXBean.getMemoryManagerNames())); System.out.println("MemoryType: "+ memoryPoolMXBean.getType().name()); System.out.println("MemoryUsage: "+ memoryPoolMXBean.getUsage().toString()); System.out.println("PeakUsage: "+ memo...
MemoryPoolMXBean Memory Usage The getUsage() method provides an estimate of the current usage of a memory pool. For a garbage-collected memory pool, the amount of used memory includes the memory occupied by all objects in the pool including both reachable and unreachable objects. In general, ...
MemoryUsage peakUsage = memoryPoolMXBean.getPeakUsage(); String name = GcNames.getByMemoryPoolName(memoryPoolMXBean.getName(),null);if(name ==null) {// if we can't resolve it, its not interesting... (Per Gen, Code Cache)continue; }...
java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBeanの使用 MemoryPoolMXBeanを使用するパッケージ パッケージ 説明 java.lang.management Java実行時にJava仮想マシンおよびほかのコンポーネントを監視および管理するための管理インタフェースを提供します。
The following examples show how to use sun.management.ManagementFactoryHelper#getMemoryPoolMXBeans() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check ou...
JDK-6214400 : Doc: broken links from java.lang.management.MemoryPoolMXBean docType: Bug Component: core-svc Sub-Component: java.lang.management Affected Version: 5.0 Priority: P4 Status: Resolved Resolution: Fixed OS: generic CPU: generic Submitted: 2005-01-05 Updated: 2010-04-02 ...
{ public static void main(String[] args) { for (final MemoryPoolMXBean pool : ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans()) { final String name = pool.getName(); System.out.println("name = " + name + " type: " + (pool.getType() == MemoryType.HEAP ? "HEAP" : "NON-HEAP")); } ...