在窗口中击鼠标右键,出现一个弹出式菜单,选择“Ascii Mode”即以 Ascii 码的方式显示 接收到的数据;选择“Hex Mode”以十六进制码方式显示接收到的数据;选择“Clear Window” 可以清除窗口中显示的内容。 由于部份 CPU 具有双串口,故 Keil 提供了两个串行窗口,我们选用的 89C51 芯片只有 一个串行口,所以 Serial ...
在Memory窗口上输入address_type:address才能看到正确地址的变量 debug~perfermance analyzer加入要察看的模块名称,然后view~perfermance analyzer window 可以察看各个模块运行时间 ①Display address_type:address B:Bit address C:Code Memory Bx:Code Bank D D:80H 命令可以查看特殊寄存器 data D I:0 命令可以查看...
When I ran the debugger, I used "Memory 1" window to check the content of Result. But the content of Result didn't change. It kept remained as 0xABCD1234. Can anybody tell me what did I do wrong here? I am using Keil uVision4 and LPC2368 as my device. Thank you, KhaiCancel...
1 Answer Maxime TEISSIER 10 years, 9 months ago. In the debugger hardware setting window you have to explicitly select SW, otherwise the debugger will try to use the full JTAG interface for debugging. right click on your project root folder > Option for target ... > debug > use: STlink...
KeilMDKv.3.03aand later KeilµVision IDEv. 3.34 and later KeilULINK2debug adapter QUESTION Is it possible to dump or save the contents of target memory using the ULINK with µVision? I have an application that modifies pieces of the memory and I need to verify if the modifications are...
There is no source line included in the error. CAUSE An undefined memory range is specified in an options dialog. RESOLUTION Check the icons of the source files in the Project window. If there is a black asterisk mark, this indicates a different configuration from the rest of the project. ...
window10电脑蓝屏提示memory management 近对我个人电脑有效,对其他电脑不太清楚,朋友们大可一试。 我的电脑近一段时间老是蓝屏,每天有7-8次吧,一般是显示memory management,严重影响了我的工作。百度了说啥的都有,啥办法也都试了。弄了好几天了也没办法,直到我这样解决的。 memory management,从字面意思上说就...
01.00 22-10-31 Memory Analyzer User guide 2 GUI explanation • Magic: identification number of an ELF-File • Class: states if it is in 32- or 64-bit format • Endianess: states if it is in little- or big-endian format • OS/ABI: contains the name of the hosting OS. Keil ...