The default isStandard,and it includes all the Basic tests, plus LRAND, Stride6, WMATS+, WINVC, etc. TheBasictest covers MATS+, INVC, and SCHCKR. TheAdvancedtest includes all Basic and Standard tests plus Stride38, WSCHKA, WStride-6, CHCKR4, WCHCKR3, ERAND, Stride6, CHCKR8, et...
D2D - DImage 测试 - CWicInteropImageSourceTests-TestRegistration D2D - DImage 测试 - CWicInteropSourceTests-TestRegistration D2D - DImage 测试 - LeastRecentlyUsedIndexTest D2D - DImage 测试 - LookupTableApiTest D2D - DImage 测试 - TestAlphaModes D2D - DImage 测试 - TestBGRX D2D - DImage ...
D2D - DImage 測試 - CWicInteropSourceTests-TestRegistration D2D - DImage 測試 - LeastRecentlyUsedIndexTest D2D - DImage 測試 - LookupTableApiTest D2D - DImage 測試 - TestAlphaModes D2D - DImage 測試 - TestBGRX D2D - DImage 測試 - TestBitmapAlphaOnly D2D - DImage 測試 - TestBitmapR...
It pops up 3 windows. This time only 2: Not enough memory. Please refer to to find out how to reduce your memory usage On this computer as tests. I have ran: Solid Works Adobe Photoshop Final fantasy Eve Downloaded *** while watching *** While...
Minimum Windows version: 8 Driver implementation—Full graphics and Render only: Mandatory WHCKrequirements and tests:Device.Graphics…OfferReclaim Especially in mobile scenarios, graphics-intensive apps that need hardware acceleration can make heavy use of GPU resources. Also, in many mobile devices the...
you can switch to Extended mode, which runs 11 separate memory tests. There's also a Basic mode that runs only 2 tests, but, to be thorough, you'll want to stick with the Standard and Extended modes. If you run the extended test suite, it is suggested that you let Windows Memory Di...
Of course, it’s not that simple, as I hit some issues with test code. Usually while hacking around and trying to understand something, I find it helpful to unload the tests from the solution to improve build iteration times until something is ...
2) Sometimes Adrenalin in overlay mode gets really fed up with my tests and begins to REALLY INTENSLY flicker. I mentioned this issue in one of messages above. But i am unable to consistently repeat this issue. It just sometimes happens. 3) On return to the games i frequ...
一、extended tests扩展内存测试模式,有6项测试,它是不断循环的,只须测试一Pass就可,当显示Pass:2时,可按“T”键进入另一个模式. 扩展内存测试模式分别检测:MATS+,INVC,LRAND,STRIDE6,WMATS+,WINVC 二、standard tests标准内存测试模式,有11项测试,它也是不断循环的,只须测试一Pass就可,当显示Pass:2时,可...
Minimum Windows version: 8Driver implementation—Full graphics and Render only: MandatoryWHCK requirements and tests: Device.Graphics…OfferReclaimEspecially in mobile scenarios, graphics-intensive apps that need hardware acceleration can make heavy use of GPU resources. Also, in many m...