Memory care provides 24-hour security and supervision services to help residents stay safe, while assisted living offers more privacy and independence for seniors who are typically more self-sufficient. Additionally, many rooms and apartments in memory care units lack kitchens to prevent kitchen-related...
In Missouri, there is an abundance of resources designed to assist seniors throughout their retirement. has compiled information on a range of local organizations, programs, and agencies, categorizing them based on the care services they offer for easy browsing. Area Agency on Agin...
Rather than providing direct funds, PACE acts as a single point of contact for managing Medicare and Medicaid. Food Assistance Programs In Delaware, numerous community programs focus on enhancing the health of seniors via proper diet. These initiatives provide meal delivery, shared meals, and food ...
Some families have the resources immediately available to pay for their loved one's memory care out-of-pocket. Some seniors planned well during their working years and are privately well-insured. Unfortunately, neither of those scenarios is very common. But, when circumstances arise, we must play...
• Doctors recommend six to seven hours of sleep a night for good mental functioning. This can be a real concern as we grow older and our sleep patternschange. It is not unusual for seniors to have problems getting to sleep or waking often at night. ...
• Doctors recommend six to seven hours of sleep a night for good mental functioning. This can be a real concern as we grow older and our sleep patternschange. It is not unusual for seniors to have problems getting to sleep or waking often at night. ...