Memory Segmentation of Intel 8086 pdfmemory segmentation in
当今,很少有计算机不使用虚拟内存技术,例外情况包括一些超级计算机,以及一些嵌入式处理器和老旧的个人计算机。 Atlas和IBM 360都提供了内存页保护功能,而GE 645是第一个提供页式分段(paged segmentation)的系统。较早的Burroughs计算机使用分段方式来支持虚拟内存,这和Intel 8086的分段地址方案类似。80286是第一个具有附录...
In the case of the 8086, segmentation let Intel's designers extend the maximum addressable memory from 64K to one megabyte. Gee, that sounds good. Why is everyone complaining? Well, a little history lesson is in order to understand what went wrong. In 1976, when Intel began designing the ...
A third prior an attempt to overcome the limiting factors employs memory segmentation. For example, the Intel 8086 microprocessor, manufactured by Intel Corporation of Santa Clara, Calif., employs memory segmentation. The Intel 8086 has 16-bit segment registers which provide base addresses for address...
Segmentation The division of a process's address space into large, usually variably sized, areas, usually on the basis of function though occasionally on the basis of size, for purposes of managing memory effectively. (Seepageabove.) Server ...
Most segmentation schemes also check the physical address against the upper limit of the segment by extending the segment register to include the segment size and comparing the offset to the allowed size. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 3.12. Address translation for a segment. The ...
Memory models and segmentation Choosing a memory model does not change how the compiler segments your code. You choose the segment in which to store code and data with the __far and __huge keywords, as described in "Fine-Tuning with Mixed Model Programming" later in this chapter. The compi...
In this case, the linear addresses which are generatedby the segmentation unit pass transparently through the paging unit and straightto the processor address bus.Figure 1-Protected-mode address translation processSegmentationThe role of the segmentation unit is the same as on the8086 processor. It ...
在远古的8086下,还没有引入保护模式。寻址方式通过addr = cs * 4+ip来实现。在稍微后面的cpu就引入了保护模式。引入了segment selector的概念,在保护模式下方式是addr = selector+ ip来实现。这里需要了解一下GDT的知识。我这里就不再过多介绍了。这种寻址方式叫做Segmentation Mechanism。再后来就是paging了。在...