Jonathan Firth
In recent years, one of the liveliest of areas of research in human memory has stemmed from applying the concepts and techniques of the cognitive psychology laboratory to the analysis of memory deficits following brain damage. One of the results of this collaboration has been an increasing awarenes...
In subject area:Psychology Emotional memory refers to memories with positive or negative valence and typically high arousal. From:Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience,2019 About this page Add to MendeleySet alert On this page Definition Chapters and Articles ...
The goal of deliberation is to separate between options so that we can commit to one and leave the other behind. However, deliberation can, paradoxically, also form an association in memory between the chosen and unchosen options. Here, we consider this
Episodic memory decline is an early marker of cognitive aging in human. Although controversial in animals and called “episodic-like memory”, several models have been successfully developed, however they rarely focused on ageing. While marmoset is an em
In subject area: Psychology Memory encoding involves the acquisition of information during exposure whereas the consolidation process is responsible for transferring the previously encoded memory trace into long-term memory, making it more stable and readily available for later recall (McGaugh, 2000). ...
Opposed to this is a much narrower definition of cognitive psychology as being concerned with cognition. Cognition is defined in the Shorter Oxford Dictionary as ‘The action or faculty of knowing; knowledge, consciousness, a product of such an action’; in other words, knowing and being ...
The existence of episodic-like memory in non-human animals has been investigated using different methodologies that reflect diverse theoretical approaches to its definition. While some authors define episodic memory from the perspective of the content of what is remembered, identifying episodic memory as...
Episodic Memory (EM) is the neurocognitive capacity to consciously recollect personally experienced events in specific spatio-temporal contexts. Although the relevance of spatial and temporal information is widely acknowledged in the EM literature, it re
A new studypublishedin theBritish Journal of Psychologyfound that regular gamers performed better on tasks measuring cognitive functions such as attention and memory. Ad The study, which took place at the Lero Esports Science Research Lab at the University of Limerick, involved 88young adults, half...