The type of memory to be used and the method of interfacing with the microprocessor must be chosen during the early design stages. This article describes a number of memory interface examples using the Signetics 2650 microprocessor. Detailed information about these memory systems can be found in ...
Developments during 1990 and future trends in solid-state devices are discussed. 1990 saw the commercial introduction of microprocessor chips containing more than 1 million transistors, and 1991 will probably see microprocessor chips with well over 2 million transistors. Processor speeds are keeping pace...
An improved memory management unit (MMU) for interfacing between a CPU and a main computer memory. The MMU receives logical addresses from the CPU and converts a portion of the logical address to be used for generating a physical address... PA Baker,G...
and at least one cache memory associated to the processor holding data objects accessed by the processor, wherein said processor's load/store unit contains a high speed memory directly interfacing said load/store unit to the cache and directly accessible by the cache memory for implementing scatter...
Whileexecutingaprogram,themicroprocessor8086/8088 needstoaccessmemoryfrequentlytoreadinstructioncodes and data stored in memory. Therefore, capacity and access speed are main features for memory; besides the interfacing circuit and interface technology enable that access faster and faster. For an insta...
A virtual DOS monitor uses the paging hardware of a processor such as the Intel 80386 microprocessor in conjunction with its Virtual- 8086 mode of operation to emulate expanded memory using extended memory. Support for application progr... GA Stimac,WC Crosswy,SB Preston,... - US 被引量: ...
An interfacing circuit () allows, according to commands delivered by the microprocessor, to read in parallel N+n bits of a word from the first sector, or to read or to write N bits of low weight of a word of the second sector, or to read or write N bits of high weight of a ...
(CLBs). Each LE can be configured to perform combinational or sequential functions.Figure 5.59shows a general block diagram of an FPGA. The LEs are surrounded byinput/output elements(IOEs) for interfacing with the outside world. The IOEs connect LE inputs and outputs to pins on the chip ...
Stack Memory Allocation in 8051 Microcontroller The stack is an area of random access memory (RAM) allocated to hold temporarily all the parameters of the variables. The stack is also responsible for reminding the order in which a function is called so that it can be returned correctly. Wheneve...
conventional interrupt signals 670a, 670b, interfacing circuitry 661a, 661b, interrupt status register 660 and interrupt mask register 667, e.g., as shown in FIG. 4, the agents 130 and 132 in FIG. 1 cause an interrupt to the host 120 using an interrupt queue 100 formed in shared ...