(3月27日Nature“Memories are made by breaking DNA — and fixing it”) 人类大脑拥有令人赞叹的记忆形成能力,这背后的生物学基础一直是科学研究的重点。记忆不仅仅是一段信息的简单存储,它涉及到复杂的生理和分子机制。 传统观念认为,DNA...
and both love and fear can be measured on the cellular memory level. They are also discovering that outside influences can “brainwash” an otherwise “peaceful cell” to become an invasive cancer cell, and you can see that in these markers as well. “The peaceful cell isreprogrammed...
It has been pondered as the thinnest material on Earth. The sp2 hybridized carbon atoms are hexagonally packed in the honeycomb crystal lattice structure. Graphene possesses outstanding optical transparency, electrical conductivity, thermal stability, mechanical strength, and thermal conductivity properties....
Moreover, the printed materials become brittle and lose their impact resistance if they are over cured. This would result in them having unfavorable characteristics in their applications. Hence, utmost care should be taken while fixing the 4D printing parameters. The best print parameters are about...
Introduction Memory shape materials are the center of growing attention as they offer a way to solve many problems in such a wide array of fields as aeronautics, medicine, transportation, electronics, design and various everyday products [1]. It is a group of intelligent materials that, when ...