assured me there would be no problem with my design I just needed to email wording and layout and photo. They confirmed receipt of my email immediately. A day later I had a proof cope from their designer which was beautiful and far exceeded my expectations. No corrections necessary. They we...
if you are leading the memorial dedication of a park for a recently deceased city councilman, you will use different wording than if you are leading the dedication of a scholarship in memory of your great-grandmother. Regardless of the circumstances, a memorial dedication ...
Carefully consider the wording of any inscriptions on your memorial, and double (or even triple) check the spelling and accuracy of all names, words, dates, etc. Design: While you don’t need to come to your first meeting with a memorial company with a complete vision for your memorial de...
to 280 Degrees Fahrenheit, Slide the iron, place your patch and put the iron on top of your patch and press as hard as you can for 30 seconds without moving the iron around. Do not mess with the patch until it has completely cooled down. Do not iron on patches...