The article offers information on the end-of-life and palliative care program of Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital in Washington. Topics covered include the role of the community in the expansion of outpatient services, start of hospice care in the homes of critically ill patients and construction ...
YakimaValleyMemorialHospital Here is what the CEO of a hospital we worked with said about our communication intervention. The engagement began under the name of Temperament Research Institute (TRI), a Linda Berens company. Today, that intervention is thriving and contributed to the hospital being se...
Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Gets National HonorsMARIA GARRIGA YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC
Rosbach, Molly
Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital files suit over property taxesGREG TUTTLE Of the HeraldRepublic
FTC Officially Approves Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital-Virginia Mason MergerRosbach, Molly
Heartfelt Change at Memorial -- Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital now offers emergency angioplasty to heart patientsCHARLENE KOSKI YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC
Rosbach, Molly
President Clinton honors Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital for quality on-site child-care services.DAVID WASSON Of the HeraldRepublic