Samet, editor, is professor of English at the United States Military Academy at West Point and the author of Soldier’s Heart: Reading Literature Through Peace and War at West Point and Looking for the Good War: American Amnesia and the Violent Pursuit of Happiness, among other works. ...
Soldiering in World War II. The War Memoirs of Alfred de Grazia Drafted into the army in the wake of Pearl Harbor, Alfred de Grazia, a young political scientist at the University of Chicago, revisits a war experience which took him from basic training to OSS and to the very first unit ...
Memoirs: Regia di Alex Harris. Con Mia Ando, Kotaro Asano, Seth Bailey, Thomas Biebers. Ray Harris, a former US Air Corps navigator of B-29 bombers in World War Two, enrolls in a senior's writing workshop where he befriends a Japanese woman who has share
The Woman Who SmashedCodes, by Jason Fagone. Another superlative book about World War II (and earlier) codebreaking married couple Elizebeth Smith and William Friedman. A great history of codebreaking, a complex love story, and a well-done biography of a singular woman. Do No Harm: Stories ...
Memoirs: Alex Harris द्वारा निर्देशित. Mia Ando, Kotaro Asano, Seth Bailey, Thomas Biebers के साथ. Ray Harris, a former US Air Corps navigator of B-29 bombers in World War Two, enrolls in a seni
英[ˈmemˌwɑː(r)] n.回忆录;实录;研究报告;…学会纪要 网络传记与自传;大卫·洛克菲勒自传;论文集 复数:memoirs 同义词 n. account,biography,history,chronicle,description 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 传记,实录;回忆录,自传 2. 研究报告,论文;...学会纪要,...学会论文集 ...
Facing the Mountain: An Inspiring Story of Japanese American Patriots in World War IIFacing the Mountain: An Inspiring Story of… Daniel James BrownDaniel James Brown Kindle Edition $9.99$9.99$19.00$19.00 3,654 Best Biographies & Memoirs of 2020 So Far ...
Born in Hungary in 1908, Teller witnessed the rise of Nazism and anti-Semitism, two world wars, the McCarthy era, and the changing face of big science. A brilliant and controversial figure whose work on nuclear weapons was key to the American war effort, Teller has long believed in ...
Armitstead and his wife Olive (Sullivan) Armitstead, and spent his youthin New England and Pennsylvania.Austin saw combat as an infantryman during World War II along the RhineRiver until taken prisoner of war in early 1945. His closest buddy, Anderson Russell,was killed in action during the ...
Traces of Orientalist Discourse in World War I: Memoirs of Two British War Prisoners on Ottoman TurkeyHasan BaktirYasemin Ayan