Funny memes that "GET IT" and want you to too. Get the latest funniest memes and keep up what is going on in the meme-o-sphere.
Night Shyamalan Movies That Are Actually Awesome TV Shows That Completely Missed The Point Of Their Source Material Things You Probably Didn't Know About Nostalgic '80s Cartoons 21 Unexplainable Stories That People Swear Actually Happened To Them 26 Moments So Cringeworthy We Almost Couldn't Look...
With an emotion for every occasion, he captures our hearts when the markets are up or down, when we're feeling blue or having the greatest day of our lives. Wojak is always there to express that specific emotion in picture form.
We have collected the best sexy birthday memes that will make your loved one feel extra special! Birthday Cake Or Birthday Pie Pin It Happy Birthday From A Beast Pin It Happy Birthday To You Pin It Happy Birthday Stay Classy Pin It Happy Birthday You Sexy American Pin It Happy Birthday You!
s been caught talking smack. The cat in the background has that inquisitive look that seems to be questioning, “why would you say something so awful about me?” This is a classic meme that brings back a lot of cringe worthy moments for the majority of us. Who hasn’t made a mistake...
rising madmen who fall asleep in armchairs — and no, they aren't “just resting their eyes.” We are here to set your mind at ease and make you realize that this alien “dadness” isn't just in your imagination. Something does happen in a dad’s brain that makes them slightly ...
Whether one enjoyed it or not, everyone can get in on the laughs when it comes to the memes. The following ten presented below are so funny, one would think they were crafted by the manic villain himself. Of course it is not possible, because he doesn't exist. Or at least that's ...
This one will likely make fans laugh as much as it makes them cringe. Sure, he's totally right, and it's kind of funny that the High Sparrow suggests that the worst thing Jaime could do is kill in the Holy building. Of course, he's definitely done way worse than that, and fans ...
Love really makes the world go round. It’s what inspires songs to be sung, poems and books to be written, and even movies to be made. It may be sappy and cringey to an onlooker but when love is bursting from your insides, it’s hard to keep that smile and radiance in check. ...
But “getting it” isn’t always easy, and what makes a meme successful—wit, relevance, and relatability—can also be its downfall. Not only do brands risk offending people, given that humor is subjective, but marketers also have to worry about being labeled “cringey” for seemingly trying...