He invented it after all. Here is a collection of the best clean Christian memes that are both funny and without cursing or inappropriate material. Christians can relate to these jokes about youth group, praising, worship songs and everything else that comes with being a good Christian. With ...
And both of their expressions are very cool and distant. So the person that selected this painting for this meme, it was just perfect, because they really do look like they're posing for their portrait and they both don't want to be there. Will Butler: I can't imagine. I actually ...
2 students were suspended for fighting. Another student is requesting to transfer to another school. The lunch lady quit on the first day. The janitor has never to to clean to much messiness. And a teacher was fired for drinking on the job. Great, just great. First Day of Homeschool Lik...
Similar to this I Saw That Jesus meme, we have a it’s my birthday over on ourClean Christmas memes. Jesus is Watching You Meme Similar to the I saw that meme, is the Jesus is watching you meme. While it’s God who is watching, not necessarily Jesus – but these are memes not a...
Every day, we come across various memes when surfing on the Internet or contacting with people on social media platforms. Many people are used to saving liked memes on devices, as well. Actually, there are many dedicated or popular sources that offer high-quality and trendy memes. We have ...
Varshavski:Notice anything different? Yeah. We actually moved my little bobblehead a few inches over. Let's get started with another meme review. A huge thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video. Bee whoop! "A map of the United States if it was an Oregon donor." That's funny. Get...
The post was quickly dubbed as a funny copypasta, spammed in Reddit and Twitch chat (when Lion was picked): i feel like lion shard is broken but no one cares. i almost never buy ags or things like that. just ather lens, dagger, shard into plate mails and raw hp. i jump at middle...
but also makes me disorganized and chronically late. My laid-back approach to life is now my approach to parenting, and I gotta tell you, it’s actually generating some pretty spectacular results. My kids are now 8 and 10, and can cook, clean, and do laundry because turns out I can ...
Thankfully, the kitchen has one of the deadliest zombie-slaying weapons known to man: the frying pan. One resonating whack at a zombie's head is enough to send it back to its grave. Even a shotgun has never been that effective before. Just clean the pan afterward if you intend to do...
Many sword enthusiasts don't respect Fencing very much - but its actually a pretty awesome sword sport. Maybe not as awesome as Kendo or Hema though, though the next meme is a bit rough..Hmmm, it's funny because it is true - guess Chivalry isn't all that we think it is cracked up...