not to mention if it sneaks up on you at your home base. With so many things changing inMinecraft, it would stand to reason that Mojang would nerf the creepers a bit. One can only hope that day will come soon.
Some kids will never understand the time and effort it took to listen to music before streaming came along. You either had to purchase a song or album from a real life store or from the digital iTunes store. Then you had to burn it onto a CD and label it properly, so you could lis...
Hey guys/girls/*, I've made some simple memes about segment trees usingimgflip templates. I need your help to create some more original ones, maybe based on your personal experiences at competitions, craziest problems involving segtree, famous people from CF using segtree etc.! Maybe your's...
21 Memes Only Graphic Designers Will Understand Monday can be a tricky day for designers, with clients, bosses, and deadlines breathing down their necks. We thought you guys could use some meme therapy to help brighten up your day. Check out the compilation below, and don't forget to brow...
21 Memes for Parents that only they will understand December 15, 2019 Parenthood is beautiful. You get to raise your kid and see him grow up into a respectable adult who will... Memes “This was invented in …” memes take over the internet ...
Yes, I know I’m misusing ‘thou’. It’s not the worst thing I will do all day, not even in this post. Trust me! Anyway, I don’t really mean to pick on native Americans here. They aren’t the only ones to fall for the lure of the decalogue (or perhaps to have someone el...
You guys, if you are here in Texas (don’t miss ourTexas memes) – we have lots of feels about May weather. may rain meme We don’t know if it will be hot or raining. If you needhot weather memes, we have those. And if it’s raining – of course, we even haverain memes. ...
I’ve sat through update after update of “improvements” that have slowly alienated your user base further and further from you, you add actual improvements like saving videos only to remove the feature a month down the line. While I understand you are a company that needs to make money, ...
The first person to correctly identify and share each Meme is the winner for that specific one. We will only consider entries that unequivocally identify the Meme that Ollie is replicating.Once we deem an entry as valid, we'll pin that comment to the top. ...
20 Things Only Cat Owners Will Understand 20 Tips for Grooming Your Senior Cat 20 Important Tips for Traveling with Your Cat 20 Tips To Get Your Cat To Eat Five Facial Expressions From Your Cat and What They Mean image sources tardarsauce-56a6a47d5f9b58b7d0e41bf6: © Shutterstock ...