My A-Z theme is over, and we still have a couple of days left of NaBloPoMo. What to do? Well, Elisabeth asked a bunch of questions on her Blog a couple of weeks ago, and I saved them for just such a situation. I remember when ‘meme’ meant all of these questions, back in t...
Riding the waves of a good vibe tune, with every nod saying, “Life's good.” When you're feeling good, just like you should, let the beat move you! 63. Friday, Fri-yay! Tgif 13 GIFfromTgif GIFs When the Friday vibes hit just right, and even your dance moves can feel the weeke...
In today’s dose of fun we bring you, wash your hands memes. You guys, last post was all the funny Covid memes and today, let’s laugh off anxiety with some hand washing fun. Who knew there would be so much humor in the simple act we should all be doing despite the times. Funny...
WEB. Du Bois, who championed for Civil Rights on the Internet In step with the Suffragette movement of the 20th century, many people on social media were strong advocates of feminism as it spread in the 1920s. Among the Lost Generation, including the founders of the Internet themselves, men...
Then there is the video chat. All business (except who cares about pants), and put together – somewhat. Audio only definitely has a different look. When We Go Back to the Office You guys, the struggle is going to be so real when some of us have to actually go INTO an office again...
We asked Boise residents what their Top Memes of 2021 were. And here is what they had to say. Drum roll, please… LOOK: 50 famous memes and what they mean With the infinite number of memes scattered across the internet, it's hard to keep track. Just when you've grasped the meaning ...
The coach of the team, xiao8 asked XinQ to wash his face after the game, but XinQ insisted that he was fine, but xiao8 insisted harder, going as far as to say that "it would give him peace of mind if he 'washed his face'.". The passive aggressive tone of the coach became a ...
Coach Riley Mighty Ducks Win Big GIFfrom Coach Riley Mighty Ducks GIFs Yet, there seems to be no end in sight for this ragtag group of amateurs. Their downward spiral to the bottom of the NHL Western Conference standings continues at a record pace. Even former Mighty Ducks are chiming in...
We asked Boise residents what their Top Memes of 2021 were. And here is what they had to say. Drum roll, please… LOOK: 50 famous memes and what they mean With the infinite number of memes scattered across the internet, it's hard to keep track. Just when you've grasped the meaning ...
Who could ever forget the great home run race of 1998? This was the last time baseball was as electrifying as a Fourth of July fireworks display. The stage was set for a historic showdown between two of the most honorable sluggers of all time,Mark McGwireandSammy Sosa. They were jacked...