Check out the best God of War memes as we celebrate the release of the 2018 epic action-adventure. We'll be keep the list up-to-date so be sure to check back regularly. With every big video game release, you can also rely on the community to come up with some funny memes.God of ...
Memedroid is the best place to see, rate and share funny memes, pics and videos. Visit the website or download our app featuring a meme generator!
With the infinite number of memes scattered across the internet, it's hard to keep track. Just when you've grasped the meaning of one hilarious meme, it has already become old news and replaced by something equally as enigmatic. Online forums like Tumblr, Twitter, 4chan, and Reddit are re...
With the infinite number of memes scattered across the internet, it's hard to keep track. Just when you've grasped the meaning of one hilarious meme, it has already become old news and replaced by something equally as enigmatic. Online forums like Tumblr, Twitter, 4chan, and Reddit are re...
“Man’s World” makes the case for an idyllic matriarchal society, while Marina decries all manner of injustice on the pop-rock-fueled “Purge the Poison.” Overall, it’s a sharp, poignant musical manifesto that finds the musician at her most powerful lyrically and sonically. — Erica ...
Well, he wasn’t having any of that – he was not at all interested in touring or doing publicity (with the result that Richard Branson commissioned an orchestral version of Tubular Bells to take out on the road, but which wasn’t particularly good) so instead Mike decamped to some hut...
attention and readership; it amplifies the more extreme arguments, and it shrinks complicated arguments into 246 characters and juveniles and degrades the whole process. It is a step backwards, not forwards, in our national debate. Maybe not all the time, but the vast majority of the time. ...
Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. ― Antoine de Saint-ExupéryTap To Copy With you, I feel great in my own skin. With you, I can be myself. With you, I can be vulnerable. I love you.Tap To Copy ...
They're both part of the 'fediverse', but Lemmy provides a Reddit-like experience, whereas Mastodon is more like Twitter. Note 4: It's worth mentioning that Lemmy is young - the Lemmy devs are working hard to quickly improve the software, and server admins have been constantly moving to...