The films in Nolan’s catalog are extraordinary, including Interstellar, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Memento, and Dunkirk. With its intricate story and breathtaking images, Inception transformed science fiction filmmaking. The movie stood out as an especially ambitious endeavor. Even now, over 10 years...
The enemy is not likely to appeal toevery viewer because it leans more toward arthouse films than mainstream ones. The plot centers on a college professor who has a regular lifestyle until he decides to find his doppelganger afterseeing him in a movie. This decision sets off a series of u...
My Big Fat Independent Movie(2005) has a character named "Memento Guy" who is a spoof of Lenny from Memento "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" Show No. 7019(TV Episode 2005) Parodied in "Hollywood Director". "Kabouter Wesley" Gênante momenten(TV Episode 2010) ...