复数:memes 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 meme n. 1. 模因,模仿传递行为(通过模仿等非遗传方式传递的行为)a type of behaviour that is passed from one member of a group to another, not in the genes but by another means such as people copying it ...
meme中文是迷因,指「網路爆紅事物」的意思,meme是單數,memes 則是複數。例如 Internet memes 就是指...
While comparative memes are often meant to be used in a self-depreciating or sarcastic manner, Mokgerepi's version is sexist, and crossed a major line when he used two images of real people, and shamed the woman on the right for her body type....
I don't know how she keeps on top of everything, but she helped us keep up to date on things to fill out or sign during the whole process. House seller closed Sep '21 16212 Sw Oneill Ct, Portland, OR $795K • 6 Bed, 3.5 Bath, 3525 Sq. Ft. • Multiple offers Share 5.0...
You start by copying other people's paintings or music or whatever. You get all of those skills before you branch out. Really creative people have a fantastic ability to copy things and then combine them in new ways. And whether we're talking about genes or memes, recombination is the rea...
Trent, the Madison Ave agent, explains to Paul that, given the dark turn people’s dreams of Paul have taken, Sprite has pulled out of consideration as an advertiser. The corporations are now scared and risk-averse, Trent and his team explain to Paul, however, they propose an “audience-...
freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do these things. ...
I savored the dissonance of attending an event alongside a sizable group of people, who were actually not attending the same event as me, or at least I didn’t think they were. In fact, it was not possible to know with any certainty. However, as is common with hiking trails, once my...
I savored the dissonance of attending an event alongside a sizable group of people, who were actually not attending the same event as me, or at least I didn’t think they were. In fact, it was not possible to know with any certainty. However, as is common with hiking trails, once my...
To create a meme, you’ll load some images from a URL, which could take some time depending on the speed of your internet connection to the server. You’ll use an asynchronous request so that your app can keep doing other things in the background, like responding to user actions, while...