</head> <body style="background-color: black;"> <a id="bookmark-this" class="github icon-bookmark" href="#" title="Bookmark This Page"></a> <div id="birds" class="container-fluid" style="height:80%"> <img id="logo" src="{{ url_for('static',filename='images/memeG.png'...
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ async def head_mirror(client: httpx.AsyncClient, base_url: str): return_exceptions=True, ) results = sorted( (result for result in results if not isinstance(result, Exception)), (result for result in results if not isinstance(result, BaseException)), key=lambda r...
ceqlogo -i1 HDAC1.all.motif.meme -o logo.m1.png -f PNG ceqlogo -i2 HDAC1.all.motif.meme -o logo.m2.png -f PNG ceqlogo -i3 HDAC1.all.motif.meme -o logo.m3.png -f PNG ceqlogo -i4 HDAC1.all.motif.meme -o logo.m4.png -f PNG 1 ceqlogo -i1 ENCSR000ARI.m5.meme -o log...
you can make use of this tool as well. Head over toSound Effectstab of Kapwing and choose a video that you want to add sound effects too. After that, you can select an effect as per your requirement. Although the list is not that huge, it has some cool effects. ...
head/tail : 打印内容的前/后十行 -n number : 打印number行 tail有一个-f选项,可以实时浏览内容的变化,直到你输入Ctrl+c(查看日志信息很方便) tee : 在管道的过程中可以用 | tee filename | 管道把中间结果放进filename里 2016.8.5晚 echo命令 ...
peakf=./peak.narrowPeak genomef=./GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa sort-k8,8nr ${peakf}|head-n500|awk-v OFS="\t"'{print $1,$2+$10,$2+$10+1}'>summit.bed #按照peak强度排序,进选取前500个的summit坐标 awk-v OFS="\t"'{print $1,$2-50,$3+50}'summit.bed|awk'$2>=0'>su...
#加载包library(ggplot2)library(ggseqlogo)#加载数据data(ggseqlogo_sample)#seqs_dnahead(seqs_dna)[1]## $MA0001.1## [1] "CCATATATAG" "CCATATATAG" "CCATAAATAG" "CCATAAATAG" "CCATAAATAG"## [6] "CCATAAATAG" "CCATAAATAG" "CCATATATGG" "CCATATATGG" "CCAAATATAG"#pfms_dnahead(pfms_...
If you want to access an array of popular memes from all over the world, head over to Adobe Spark. While this platform does not contain a good collection of templates, it does have a giant collection of stock images. Select the image of your choice or upload your own, customize it to...
I meant purely using items (not featuring Minsc), so for example to warm my head (A helm of some kind), warm my feet (boots of speed), to warm my hands (bracers or gloves) and then finally to warm my heart (whatever item you choose). Blackbɨrd Posts: 293 May 2020 Black...