Two jolly gents interrupt a man's meditation by sawing his head open. He's still chill with it though. Tagline. People today. People are so violent and depraved these days, things were better in the old days. Medieval people, "LMAO. Let's just saw this guy in half." Will Butler: ...
‘Kowalski’, the guy the police are chasing and who challenges authority and all around him in his souped-up Dodge Challenger. He downs a supply of amphetamines to reach his Sisyphean goal of driving from Denver to SF in record time, for an unspecified goal. All the secondary actors are ...
iBooks 2 brings textbooks to life (hands-on) by Jason Parker January 19, 2012 3:01 PM PST *** begin quote *** We decided to download a free preview version of E.O. Wilson’s “Life on Earth” textbook to get a feel for the features (the preview comes with only two chapters). ...
Wojak, a.k.a "Feels Guy" has been a meme powerhouse for years. With an emotion for every occasion, he captures our hearts when the markets are up or down, when we're feeling blue or having the greatest day of our lives. Wojak is always there to express that specific emotion in pict...
Actually, coincidentally, I think this one goes to that Korath guy of yours. Chandler perks up immediately. CHANDLER What is it? HENRY Aha, sorry bud, I shouldn't talk about this stuff remotely. Anyways, I'll be listening in, just pretend I'm actually here. Henry goes back to flipping...
meme coinsare the result of when internet humor gets in bed with crypto blockchain technology. Why humor, you ask? 'Cause laughter, that's the real currency on this internet hustle, and thosememe coins? They ain't going nowhere, they're here to stay!
It's tough to make any clear, logical sense out of both the show and the meme itself, so it's best to just roll with it. What is in Hannibal's hands? The world may never know. Featured Video For You Tesla hires the 'absolute unit' meme guy to run its social media Topics ...
She had a guy. Needed advice on negotiation? She's was on it! Questions about the schools in the neighborhood? She found out. Need to call someone because we're in a panic about closing? "Nothing to worry about, This deal is as good as sealed!" Hands down the best agent we ever ...
Seth MacFarlane Explains Origins Of ‘Family Guy’ Meme Of ‘The Godfather’ & “It Insists Upon Itself” Quote Jan 22, 2025 Best Meme Coins to Join for Long Term: Arctic Pablo Coin Hits $200k Mark as Turbo and Memecoin Brave Bearish Market Trends ...
Even with about 500 people in the audience, the sea of low-profile black screens was fairly unnoticeable. So far, so good, but I knew the real trick would be in how they would pull off the actual interactivity. Late Shift tells the story of an innocent guy who gets caught up in a ...