Modern memes combine images with witty captions, offering a quick way to express feelings. For example, the “This is fine” dog in a burning room perfectly illustrates the experience of pretending all is well amid chaos. Some Common Themes in Office Space Memes 1. The Dread of Monday Mornin...
Based on a webcomic of ananthropomorphicdog sitting in a burning house saying “This is fine,”this is fineis a meme used as a reaction image in which someone ironically says a situation is OK … and it very clearly isn’t. Where does This is fine come from? refinery29 TheThis is fi...
pink wojak schlop dog pink wojak wakes up pink wojak folded hands sitting wojak creepy face wojak doome level 1 closeup wojak riding pepe ball wojak soy boy face original wojak soy boy sad face wojak soy boy about to be executed by soyboy pink wojak monster IV pink wojak...
The new alt definition comes from a2013 webcomic called"On Fire." In the six panels, a dog wearing a hat sits at a kitchen table. The room is engulfed in flame, but the dog smiles and says, "This is fine." The dog calmly lifts a coffee mug to its lips. "I’m okay with the...