Masked Crying Wojak One of the more popular variations of this meme wears a normal Wojak mask but is visibly still crying behind it. It may also don masks with a highly simplified smiling face to indicate low effort or show a standard Wojak face variation with a smirk and side-eye, as t...
(Ear Rape), Bruh Watch Yo Jet, Bruh, Burger King Foot Lettuce, But Not More Beautifuler Than You, But Steel Is Heavier Than Feathers, Buzz Lightyear, Bye Have a Great Time, Cabbage Lettuce, Caillou Theme (Ear Rape), Caillou Theme, CallMeCarson Crying, Can I Get A Waffle, Candy Shop...
And then there’sRyutaro Nonomurawho seems to have turned the politician’s playbook on its head with his move of crying and shouting non-sequiturs in the face of accusations regarding use of public money. It seems to be working though asTwitter users are far less concerned about misappropriat...
- Peter Parking Smiling and Crying - Drake Yes and No 1x2 Painting - Stonks - Not Stonks 2x1 Painting - Bois vs Girl meme (Idk the real name of this meme pls tell me) - Savage Patrick - "I love democracy" Meme - "What gives people feeling of power" meme - The woman and whit...