api bot library crypto bitcoin trading ethereum cryptocurrency exchange market-data strategy btc cryptocurrencies trade eth arbitrage altcoin merchant invest memecoin Updated Feb 1, 2025 Python web3batman / Solana_Memecoin_Sniper_Bot Star 207 Code Issues Pull requests The completed Sniper bot wit...
Given that TRUMP turned the president into a crypto billionaire in a matter of hours, the plans for the coin remain unclear. The Trump meme coin website claims that TRUMP is merely an expression of support, rather than an investment opportunity. Likewise, the MELANIA site defined its meme tok...
Meme coins are an interesting crypto-asset but may not be appropriate for most investors. There’s a very small chance that you might pick the next big coin before fans send it “to the moon.” However, meme coins are much less likely to earn the returns most investors would prefer to ...
Given that TRUMP turned the president into a crypto billionaire in a matter of hours, the plans for the coin remain unclear. The Trump meme coin website claims that TRUMP is merely an expression of support, rather than an investment opportunity. Likewise, the MELANIA site defined its meme tok...
Here's an updated recap of the crypto landscape for Monday, February 10, 2025, as of 9:00 a.m. UTC. Bitcoin and Ethereum price update Bitcoin is trading at US$97,486, reflecting a 1.3 percent increase over the past 24 hours. The day's trading range s
crypto solidity token web3 erc20 smart-contract memetoken autopump Updated Apr 26, 2024 Solidity solana-memetoken-starterkit / solana-memetoken-starter Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Create Solana Meme coin Token under 2 minutes with Mint Disable, Renounce Ownership, Add Liquidity, Burn,...
但随着meme越来越受散户喜欢,VC们似乎有些不乐意了。 顶级VC a16z接连下场批斗meme币,a16z先是官网发文将矛头指向SEC,指责加密政策让meme横行,却不保护真正的区块链创新。 a16z Crypto CTO Lazarrin 随后在X 平台上吐槽,"Memecoin 破坏了让许多人留在加密领域的长远愿景,技术上也不吸引人;对于建设者来说不具吸引...
a16z Crypto CTOLazarrin 隨後在X 平台上吐槽,"Memecoin 破壞了讓許多人留在加密領域的長遠願景,技術上也不吸引人;對於建設者來說不具吸引力"。 而Compound VC 管理合夥人Michael Dempsey 也指責「meme幣讓真正的建設者大量流失」。 VC將破壞了加密創新的鍋子甩到了meme幣上,很快就引起了加密社群的不滿。
原文标题:Solana Ecosystem’s Hidden Gem | CryptoSnap 编译:Lisa 近期加密行情大回调,市场上主流币们阴跌不断,山寨币们流动性枯竭,唯有 Solana 链上的 Memecoin 仍生机盎然成为场内唯一有活力的地方,数据显示每日 SPL 新币数量创新高、一键发币平台 Pump.fun 收入破新高甚至 Solana 链上交易量一度翻转了以太主...