MemeGen is a web application where the user gives an image as input and our tool generates a meme at one click for the user. - chore: add memegen · developers-cosmos/Meme-Generator@3dd7ef0
Late Shift bills itself as “a cinematic interactive movie experience,” and promises to be the decades-delayed wish fulfillment of every kid who grew up reading Choose Your Own Adventure books and wondered, “Wouldn’t it be cool if movies worked like that?” I wandered through the iconic ...
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Capone: He's like the little kid inside of everybody who wants to push the boundaries. Even when he's out in public or on the concourse at a game, he has no problem bumping a mom with a stroller aside and taking the stroller for a joyride around the concourse. Tilger: Mascots are...
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The advance of technology lights me up like a little kid. I just love new gadgets. Even more, I love seeing and helping people grow in their own consciousness. And the more I feel special—like I really make a difference—the more energy I have to contribute. Self...
In the eighties, black footballers emerged from the dressing room to find bananas being hurled from the stands. But the abuse didn’t stop at the full-time whistle – racial harassment in sport mirrored the experience of many in society. As a kid from the East End, Derek Bardowell found ...
Late Shift bills itself as “a cinematic interactive movie experience,” and promises to be the decades-delayed wish fulfillment of every kid who grew up reading Choose Your Own Adventure books and wondered, “Wouldn’t it be cool if movies worked like that?” I wandered through the iconic ...
Late Shift bills itself as “a cinematic interactive movie experience,” and promises to be the decades-delayed wish fulfillment of every kid who grew up reading Choose Your Own Adventure books and wondered, “Wouldn’t it be cool if movies worked like that?” I wandered through the iconic ...