voidrunKernel(intdevice,intRepetition,float* h_data,float* h_out,intMemoryPerComputation,intBLOCK_N,intTHREAD_N, GPUplan gpuplan, KernelPlan kernelPlan){cudaSetDevice(device);cudaStreamCreate(&gpuplan.stream);cudaMemcpyAsync(gpuplan.d_data_ptr, h_data, kernelPlan.Computations * MemoryPerComputat...
今天这个部分讲完后,下期将开始讲解 Texture and Surface Memory 3.2.9. Error Checking All run...
I am trying to apply a kernel function on a__device__variable, which, according to the specs, resides "in global memory" #include<stdio.h>#include"sys_data.h"#include"my_helper.cuh"#include"helper_cuda.h"#include<cuda_runtime.h>doubleX[10] = {1,-2,3,-4,5,-6,7,-8,9,-10...
This removes both the extra copy before and after the kernel run. We just used output as temp and used input as write back as we are using a separable filter. The "output.set_final_ptr(output_img_ptr);" gives a compiler error for us. But it was not needed in this case. Contributor...
pmek.reset(newMatrixElementKernelDevice( devMomenta, devGs, devMatrixElements, gpublocks, gputhreads ) ); and madgraph4gpu/epochX/cudacpp/gg_tt.mad/SubProcesses/Bridge.h Line 210 in085f022 m_pmek.reset(newmg5amcGpu::MatrixElementKernelDevice( m_devMomentaC, m_devGsC, m_devMEsC, m_gp...
#include<cuda_runtime.h> #include<kernels.h> #include<csv.h> #include<gpu.h> //Global Variables dim3 blockSize, gridSize; int *d_kernel; pgm d_image_i; pgm d_image_o; char *o_debug; void gpu_setup() { //0. Allocate memory on the device. ...
unpackSignedData_kernel<<< blocks, threads >>>(cudaBuffer, &cuda_inp_buf[(windowBlocks-1) * nchan * 2]); cudaThreadSynchronize(); unpackTime += elapsed_time(&thetime); totalTime += elapsed_time(&starttime); fprintf( stderr, "cudaMemcpy time: %g, size: %d MB\n", cudaCopyTime,...
環境:ubuntu14, cuda8.0 main.cu #include <stdio.h> __global__ void kernel( void ) { } int main( void ) { kernel<<<1,1>>>(); printf( "Hello, World!\n" ); return 0; } nvcc main.cu ./a.out #Hello, World!って出た。