The article discusses the influence of Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (WCK) on beliefs about wildlife. WCK is a national organization that coordinates activities of individual wildlife clubs in Kenya's schools, colleges, and universities. Established in 1966, the organization aims to spread knowledge and...
PlayMoreGolf is the leading Flexible Membership platform for Golf, Spa & Leisure Clubs. PlayMoreGolf can help increase membership revenue...
the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Kenya andsuch bodies corporate, enterprises or institutionswho remain members of the Bank on the date of entry into force of the amendments to this Charter adopted by the Member States in the Treaty of 23.7.1980 amending and re-enacting this Charter...
Dubai Chamber stepped up its international outreach efforts by promoting Dubai at 80 overseas events, and organising trade missions to 34 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Belgium, China, Estonia, Latvia, Colombia, Azerbaijan, US, Saudi Arabia, France, Gambia, Ethiopia, J...