4 (1999), and Shangri-La Dee Da (2001), before separating in 2002, after which the band members partook in various projects (most notably Velvet Revolver and Army of Anyone). The band eventually reconvened in 2008 for a reunion tour, released their self-titled sixth album in 2010, and...
OnContraband, Velvet Revolver proved they could rock; onLibertad, they proved they could write great songs. The distinction is noticeable from the first notes of album opener “Let It Roll,” a fizzy garage rocker with more bounce than anything on the band’s clobbering debut. Slash, McKagan,...
"Long Awaited" is reminiscent of Stone Temple Pilots' later work, with glam-inspired guitars, pop harmonies and several musical detours. They've also thrown in a touch ofVelvet Revolver, which featured Hudson and Weiland's fathers. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @londonhvdson ...
and a well-kept secret becomes message board fodder. Before we knew there was aVelvet Revolver, we all heard Scott Weiland was working with the dudes fromGuns N' Roses, and beforeArmy of Anyonerevealed themselves, rumors started swirling that Richard Patrick was working with the guys...
(who had replaced Adler on drums prior to theUse Your Illusionrecording sessions) recruited former Stone Temple Pilots lead singer Scott Weiland to formVelvet Revolver. Velvet Revolver’sdebutalbum,Contraband(2004), topped the Billboard charts and received solid marks from both fans and critics. ...