Human rights commission struggles to endure ; Panel suffers from lack of mission and; authority, members and critics sayRob McDonald Staff writer
majority oftheCommission’smembers,theuse of the word “sufficient” had the merit [...] 此外,与国际法的编纂本身比较起来,准则 3.4.2 可能与国 际法的逐渐发展更为有关;委员会的委员们中大多数认为,使用“足够”一词具 有为将来的实践中可能需要做的澄清留...
However, in a late-night meeting of health ministers on Wednesday, the Commission admitted that member states had "different interpretations" of the EMA safety report. "I have today called on health ministers to follow a coordinated approach across Europe to improve public confidence," Kyriakides ...
Human Rights Watch is also concerned about the use of shuanggui—a secretive, extralegal detention system designed for Chinese Communist Party members carried out by the Party’s disciplinary commission. 人权观察也关注“双规”的实施──这是一种秘密的法外拘押制度,专门用于中国共产党成员,由党内的纪...
22 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar's House of Representatives, or the Lower House, on Thursday agreed to discuss on a proposal calling on the government to take action against some members of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) who failed to protect two house maids from human rights ...
Portuguese law guaranteed the basic human rights of all migrant workersandmembersoftheir families, regardless of their status, such as access [...] 葡萄牙的 法律保障所有移徙工人及其家庭成员的基本人权,如获得卫生服务和教育等等, ...
Report of the Special Rapporteur on Disability of the Commission for Social Development on the monitoring of the implementation of the Standard Rules on Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities UN-2 鼓励各国政府,尤其是原籍国和目的地国政府,向人权问题特别报告员提供关于针对移徙女工的...
This article stipulates that if a member state threatens the independence of democratic values, human rights and the rule of law, the European Commission may, with the consent of the majority of its members, start the fund freezing mechanism against that 他们还讨论了 关于制宪会议和议会纳入 30%妇女代表的协定以及新的联邦议会议员资格标准。 On 29 October 2011,amember of theTransitionalFederal Parliament,Mohamud Abdullahi Waliye “Waqa”, declared to Radio ...
Reflections about indigenous rights to the right to property: Commentary on Report Nº 125/12 of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in the cas... Although several studies analyze strategies for reducing transportation's contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, few do so at the...