Scott Gray is a Member of the Technical Staff at OpenAI. He attended the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 创业经历 OpenAI 人工智能 2015-12 OpenAI是一家人工智能研究公司,成立之初的目标是以安全的方式实现通用人工智能(AGI),使全人类平等收益。近几年推出的自然语言处理大型预训练模型GPT-3、AI...
Pinterest · Software Engineer(离职)OpenAI · Member of Technical StaffPinterest · null(离职) 关注 人物简介 Paul Baltescu, Software Engineer at Pinterest 创业经历 Pinterest社交网络 2009-01 Pinterest 成立于2009年,是一家社交图片分享网站,用户可以将个人任何过往经历,如旅游、购物等值得纪念的事情进行记录和...
My name is Anton Antonov. I was a kernel developer at Wolfram Research, Inc. for seven years working, mostly, on numerical algorithms. I implemented and documented the framework and integrators ofNIntegrate. In the last ten years I designed, prototyped, and implemented a variety of machine lea...
OpenAI · Member Of Technical Staff 关注 人物简介 Tomer Kaftan is a second-year PhD student at the University of Washington, working with Magdalena Balazinska and Alvin Cheung. His research interests include machine learning systems, distributed systems, and query optimization. Previously, Tomer was...
Michael Petrov is the Member Of Technical Staff of OpenAI. 创业经历 OpenAI 人工智能 2015-12 OpenAI是一家人工智能研究公司,成立之初的目标是以安全的方式实现通用人工智能(AGI),使全人类平等收益。近几年推出的自然语言处理大型预训练模型GPT-3、AI图像生成器Dall-E两大代表性研究,引领了业界新的技术潮流...