the dynamic behaviour of energy poverty across economies is ambiguous. Understanding the evolutionary patterns is essential in terms of policymaking and decision. We then throw that the investigation of energy poverty patterns among EU member states is a precondition for the European Commission to enact...
There’s loads of new arrivals to try on all the time, an awesome environment where the tunes are pumping, and the BEST customers to hang out with every day. More... Crew Member Adana Grill Papanui, Canterbury Wash dishes and remove rubbish. Unload and put away food and other supplies...
Integrated pest management (IPM) is among the most promising approaches for transforming today’s agronomical practices toward sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. Aiming to become a global environmental leader, in 2009, the European Union (EU) embraced the idea of making IPM practices ...
[20]. In Estonia, performance audits are considered useful even if they do not generate specific changes of organizational policies and practices, and the adoption of the audit' recommendations is more probable when parliamentaries pay significant attention to this type of audit and when mass-media...
For articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. For more information, please refer to ...
(about three quarters) come from electricity generation: an increase in the share of nuclear power generation increases the gap between the two intensities; in contrast, an increasing share of hydropower or cogeneration narrows this gap; the rest is explained by non-energy uses” [39], that ...