MemberNotNullWhenAttribute 建構函式 屬性 成員 ReturnValue NotNullAttribute NotNullIfNotNullAttribute NotNullWhenAttribute RequiresAssemblyFilesAttribute RequiresDynamicCodeAttribute RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute SetsRequiredMembersAttribute StringSyntaxAttribute ...
此时可以通过添加 MemberNotNull 特性,显式地告诉编译器方法 PromisStrNotNull() 可以保证 _mayNullStr 不为 Null。 此外他还有一个姊妹 MemberNotNullWhenAttribute //////返回 true 时,<see cref="_mayNullStr"/>不为 null//////<returns></returns>[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(_mayNullStr))]pri...
</Project> 如下图所示,由于编译器无法保证 _mayNullStr.Length 不会引发空引用异常,所以抛出编译错误 CS8602; 此时可以通过添加 MemberNotNull 特性,显式地告诉编译器方法 PromisStrNotNull 可以保证 _mayNullStr 不为 Null。 此外他还有一个姊妹 MemberNotNullWhenAttribute /// ///返回 true 时,<see cref=...
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullWhen(false, "Name")] [System.Obsolete("Compare Name to null")] public bool IsNone (); 傳回 Boolean true 如果身分識別是空的,則為 ; false 否則。 屬性 MemberNotNullWhenAttribute ObsoleteAttribute 適用於 產品版本(已過時) Entity Framework Core 3.0,...
This code inspection warns you that the contract for a field or a property marked with the[NotNullAttribute]may not work because this member can still be null when the object is created. In the example below, JetBrains Rider warns you thatPlaceOfBirthis not initialized: ...
The following table shows what members of a base class are returned by theGetmethods when reflecting on a type. Member TypeStaticNon-Static ConstructorNoNo FieldNoYes. A field is always hide-by-name-and-signature. EventNot applicableThe common type system rule is that the inheritance is the sa...
When a stack split occurs, the alarm DAD_1. hwDadConflictDetect indicating a stack split or the alarm STACKMNG_1. hwStackMemberLeave indicating that a member switch leaves is often generated. You can run the display trapbuffer command...
This data type is a UNION, so only one of the following members can be specified when used or returned. groupIdentifier The ID of the group of a project member. Type: String Required: No userIdentifier The user ID of a project member. Type: String Required: No See Also For more ...
A member's signature includes its name and parameter list. Each member signature must be unique within the type. Members can have the same name as long as their parameter lists differ. When two or more members in a type are the same kind of member (method, property, constructor, and so...
A、<‘1000101’,null, ‘01’> B、<‘1000102’,‘张三’,‘05’> C、<null,‘李四’,‘01’> D、<‘1101010’,‘王五’,‘02’>