Council of a majority of [...] 但在教科文组织会员国发出邀 请,且理事会大多数 成员国接受邀请的情 况下,可在发出邀请的理事会成员国召开理事会届会。 (b) a defect in the eligibility of a person to be appointed member or ex officio member includes ...
Council forever? 誰可保證我們永遠也可當立法會議員的呢? [...] the Executive Board, arguing that they could not decide in advancewhowould remainamemberofthe CR Committee for four years. ...
Its SBMA membership further enhances its presence in global markets, facilitating new opportunities.The Royal Mint has joined ABC Bullion and the World Platinum Investment Council as Foreign Associate Corporate Members of the SBMA.For more information on the Royal Mint’s precious metals...
The gene for glutathione-S-transferase (GST) M1 (GSTM1), a member of the GST-superfamily, is widely studied in cancer risk with regard to the homozygous deletion of the gene (GSTM1 null), leading to a lack of corresponding enzymatic activity. Many of the
This work was supported by the Medical Research Council London, the Royal Society, and the Louis Jeantet Foundation.The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18...
C.J.S. acknowledges Natural Environment Research Council grant NE/M010848/1 Tellurium and Selenium Cycling and Supply. Oona Appelt (GFZ) provided assistance with the electron-microprobe work. Constructive comments of two anonymous reviewers helped to improve the paper. Conflicts of Interest: The ...
The ACC has an annual National Assembly of members, a National Council to provide ongoing spiritual leadership, a National Secretariat to deal with administrative matters, and a State network (Movement) in each state and territory to promote the work of the ACC. Commissions perform specialised ...