本报讯(新闻中心 供稿)日前,校长应义斌教授收到欧洲科学与艺术院(European Academy ofSciences and Arts)院长 H. C. Felix Unger 的正式信函,祝贺他在 2018 年 3 月 2 日举行的年度会议上当选为欧洲科学与艺术院 Member(技术与环境科学)。 欧洲科学与艺术院设有自然科学、技术与环境科学、人文科学、医学、艺术...
Comments from Mr.Gouliamos,a Former Rector of the European University Cyprus and an Ordinary Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts foundingdoubtpushThe Communist Party of China undoubtedly plays a leading role in building up an effective governance system with implementing the Thought ...
(Education) a member of an academy (sense 1) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ac•a•de•mi•cian ...
Marshall was a Member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Guggenheim Fellow, and a Fellow of the British Academy. He lectured widely and internationally, including giving the Marc Bloch Lecture at the Sorbonne, the Sir James Frazer Le...
Jovan Šetrajčić from the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka pointed out that the mechanism of superconductivity has not been figured out to date, with the biggest difficulty stemming from the highly anisotropic and translatory non-invariant nature of this...
Jovan Šetrajčić from the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka pointed out that the mechanism of superconductivity has not been figured out to date, with the biggest difficulty stemming from the highly anisotropic and translatory non-invariant nature of this...