Eaton Memshield 3电路保护板和相关配件参数表说明书
Eaton Memera全金属消费者单元和保护设备-18版电缆规定说明说明书 Eaton Memera full metal consumer units and protective devices Consumer unit solutions to meet the requirements of the 18th edition wiring regulations
PS3 virtual Memory Card(*.VM1) The following single save formats are supported: PSXGame Edit single save(*.mcs) XP, AR, GS, Caetla single save(*.psx) Memory Juggler(*.ps1) Smart Link(*.mcb) Datel(*.mcx;*.pda) RAW single saves ...
PS3 virtual Memory Card(*.VM1) The following single save formats are supported: PSXGame Edit single save(*.mcs) XP, AR, GS, Caetla single save(*.psx) Memory Juggler(*.ps1) Smart Link(*.mcb) Datel(*.mcx;*.pda) RAW single saves ...
-fa_8PDi%vM5 zE{Gvu1u}9J8OQfd*}t`iRhHWar@Z*uEsF6DCM&;V#(?jzK>+^D|MCBzgc27cI=75B z*O+XtvvGBcVq8)T4cH}*Jh8>j?wB{;c&RUZ1|L1cq9l)&XFvBWp@Y@Q8s4W8Fm00n z&U;7QESRj0xO8cqsG(3DgLuZ)#)Nn798rhVlx(_Ku(iE~)`G&NT5+Gs*sRr*Wr5Pd zcx}Yeb-ecWI~<)((OOZ6phLh$...
Eaton Memera全金属消费者单元和保护设备说明书 Eaton Memera full metal consumer units and protective devices Consumer unit solutions to meet the requirements of the 18th edition wiring regulations
5. The consumer unit and appropriate devices have been type tested to the following specifications :MCB’s :IEC/EN 60898 RC CB’s : IEC/EN 61008-1 RCBO’s :IEC/EN 61009-1 Main Switch : IEC/EN 60947-3 Consumer Unit : IEC/EN 61439-3 Type A DBO/CDB This consumer unit complies...
3、展开SDK包内容 1) 在执行安装脚本前建议修改系统默认shell为bash。 2) 返回Hi3518_SDK_Vx.x.x.x目录,运行source sdk.unpack(请用root或sudo权限执行)将会展开SDK包打包压缩存放的内容,请按照提示完成操作。 如果您需要通过WINDOWS操作系统中转拷贝SDK包,请先运行source sdk.cleanup,收起SDK包的内容,拷贝到新的...