As you know, I never met a maritime museum I didn’t like, and this is a good one, full of log canoes and bugeyes and deadrise boats and pungeys. I know it’s a conceit, but I don’t think too many tourists can walk in and immediately note, “Oh my god, they’ve got a H...
Usage Note:Those readers who have studied Latin will know that the prepositionadmeans "to" or "toward" and that thehominemofad hominemis an inflected form of the nounhomo("person"), making the literal meaning of the phrase "toward the person." But toward which person? Thoughad hominemis ...
Full size image Keywords: Agreement, Bland-Altman plot, coverage, prediction, quantile estimation, repeatability, reproducibility Contributed session on prediction models Session chair: Laure Wynants 12. QUADAS-C: a tool for assessing risk of bias in comparative diagnostic accuracy studies Bada Yang1, ...
“The program has been well received by employees who are legitimately injured and just want to get back to work,” Jill commented. “They know that they’ll be paid their full salary, and they appreciate that. They also stay in the loop about what’s going on at work.” Some safety ...
update what your device is doing, tune parameters remotely so that you don't have to do a full firmware update when you want to tweak a little bit the behavior of your device or run an experiment. So that's something that we're thinking about a lot and we'd love ...
The --leak-check full option must be specified to enable leak checking. 4. Racecheck Tool 4.1. What is Racecheck ? The racecheck tool is a run time shared memory data access hazard detector. The primary use of this tool is to help identify memory access race conditions in CUDA applicat...
Full test, 8 passes Default configuration (*) shall be loaded in X seconds List of Configuration Parameters The following table summarizes the list of supported parameters: Parameter TSTLIST TESTCFGFILE Description List of tests to execute in the test sequence. Each test is specified by...
Licking Vibrator, Sucking Vibrator, Rose Vibrator,Penis Pump, External massage, Vibrator egg, Jiggle Balls, Cock ring, Sex lingerie, Wholesale penis enlargement pills, Full silicone sex doll, Used love doll, Cheap silicone sex doll, Mini sex doll, Penis en...
As I have written in other books, a m em o has no prescribed structure or form at. They can vary from a m em o j ot or grow t o an alm ost full lengt h paper based on m at ure m em os later during the grounded analysis. As m em os m ature, they can end up pages on...
A. an increase in full-time employment B. an urgent demand for new job skills C. a steady growth of job opportunities D. a controversy about the “core skills” 22. AT&T is cited to show A. an alternative to the fire-and-hire strategy ...