In Particular Melody Of Certain Three Hated Because Of Her Great Qualities Loved Despite Of Great Faults Ballad Of Lemons This Is Not A Cure For The Damaged Mother Bonus Track 1 "Melody Of Certain Damaged Lemons"的论坛 ···
Hated Because Of Great Qualities Loved Despite Of Great Faults Ballad Of Lemons This Is Not A Cure For The Damaged Mother En Particulier Odiata Per Le Sue Virtu Chi E E Non E Four Damaged Lemons "Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons"的论坛 ···...
这首名为《For the Damaged Coda》的音轨,原收录于2000年专辑『Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons』,实际上是钢琴曲《For the Damaged》的无词版本。这首原本就带有幽灵氛围的曲子,在《Rick and Morty》的推波助澜下,不仅成为了该节目的经典主题,还衍生出各种 YouTube 合集和 trap remixes。有趣的是,这首最...
The mix of the guitars, the power of the drums, and the infectiousness of the rhythms, combined with the remarkable vocals and lyrics, make Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons a true masterpiece.
Phrases that contain the wordmelody: Wikipedia titles that match:
Hated Because Of Great Qualities Loved Despite Of Great Faults Ballad Of Lemons This Is Not A Cure For The Damaged Mother En Particulier Odiata Per Le Sue Virtu Chi E E Non E Four Damaged Lemons "Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons"的论坛 ···...
那么这一张Melody Of Certain Damaged Lemons,却又让我找到见缝插针的陋习,痛苦也好,尖躁也好,孤独也好,麻痹也好,统统涌上心头。我听Blonde Redhead的歌,始终能在听见的第一个音符后便无法自拔地沉进去。但那又怎样呢,这不代表我能对他们的音乐有多了解。我不了解他们在2000年时发生的事情,那属于他们的初期,...
Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons is the fifth studio album by American alternative rock band Blonde Redhead. It was produced by Guy Picciotto and Ryan Hadlock and released by Touch and Go Records on June 6, 2000. 曲目· ··· Equally
Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons is the fifth studio album by American alternative rock band Blonde Redhead. It was produced by Guy Picciotto and Ryan Hadlock and released by Touch and Go Records on June 6, 2000. 曲目· ··· Equally