.github Update FUNDING.yml Feb 12, 2021 assets Added New England and Pittsburgh Discord servers. Apr 5, 2023 downloads Moved hosted .zip files off of Discord's CDN. Sep 30, 2023 icons Combined Reddit and Twitter, added Upsets.gg.
Before getting to the download, if this is your first time using this, please read the important info below first. Spoiler: ’Important stuff!’ This will typically work best if you start using it with a fresh, unmodified DOL or ISO. If you already have codes installed in your game, ...
Also, you said that MCM inserts the gecko codehandler into the iso...does this mean that the game is able to run the gecko 'engine' in-game on its own, allowing for any gecko code to be run independently, or does it mean that the codes themselves are put into some format that the...