Named ./EN/Periodic Table of Elements.pdf, the file contains the English version of the Periodic Table of Elements and is the compiled version of Periodic_Table_of_Elements.tex.Named ./FR/Tableau Périodique des Éléments.pdf, the file contains the French version of the Periodic Table of ...
简体中文 | English | 日本語 `douyin` 是一个模仿抖音的移动端短视频项目,它基于 [`Vue`](、[`Vite`]( 实现。使用了最新的 `Vue` 全家桶技术栈,接口数据通过 [`axios-mock-adapter`]( 模拟 ...
So l asked my teacher for help."Think about the snail on the tree.It wants to get to the top.(3) DSee?The top is like your goal(目标).You have to climb to get to the top like the snail.Then you will reach(达成)your goal one day."she said to me. S...
# pull Docker image docker pull # start container, nginx reverse proxy custom port, for example: docker run -d -p 80:80 docker run -d -p 80:80 desarrollo local Nota: El comando ...
# pull Docker image docker pull # start container, nginx reverse proxy custom port, for example: docker run -d -p 80:80 docker run -d -p 80:80
English | Spanish | German | French | 简体中文 | 日本語 douyin-vueis a parody抖音|TikTokmobile short video project.Vue"Best practices" on the mobile side, comparable to nativeApp 丝滑流畅的使用体验。使用了最新的 Vuetechnology stack, based onVue3、Vite5、Piniaaccomplish. The data is saved...
# pull Docker image docker pull # start container, nginx reverse proxy custom port, for example: docker run -d -p 80:80 docker run -d -p 80:80 lokale Entwicklung Hinweis: Der Git...
English | Spanish | German | French | 简体中文 | 日本語 douyin-vue 是一个模仿 抖音|TikTok 的移动端短视频项目。Vue 在移动端的"最佳实践",媲美原生 App 丝滑流畅的使用体验。使用了最新的 Vue 技术栈,基于 Vue3、Vite5、Pinia实现。数据保存在项目本地,通过 axios-mock-adapter 库拦截Api 并返回本...