iftheapplicationisincomplete. PARTAPERSONALDETAILS Allfieldsmustbecompleted IfyouhavepreviouslyenrolledatorappliedtotheUniversityof Melbourne,pleasestateyourstudent/applicationnumber: Sixornine-digitnumber: Title:MrMsOther: Familyname: Givenname/s: Dateofbirth:Day:Month:Year: ...
University of Melbourne Masters/PhD Degree Deadline: varies, ongoing (annual) Study in: Australia Next course starts 2025 Brief description: Established by the University of Melbourne, this scholarship is available to high achieving domestic and international students undertaking a Master by research...
UMEP全称The University of Melbourne Extension program, 是墨尔本大学专门为year 12 VCE/IB高中生开设的...
Revolutionise business, entertainment and health with IT at Australia’s leading university. Explore how the latest advancements in AI and cybersecurity are impacting the world by pairing creative thinking and practical application with science and engineering. Benefit from a curriculum designed by world...
Everything you need to know about University of Melbourne! it is a public research university founded in Australia.
PHD(3) University information Bachelor Tuition fee and scholarships One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find...
University of Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarship 2024 - Fully funded opportunities for Master's and PhD candidates worldwide.
Rodger Davies Award at University of Melbourne 2024/25 is offered for Bachelors degree in the field of Selected subjects offered at the university. You can apply to this scholarship here. The deadline for the sending your application is 10 Mar, 2025. This scholarship is provided by University ...
ARC Discovery grant on Indicators: new postdoc and PhD positions available ARC success! We’re delighted to have been successful in our application for an ARC Discovery grant to continue our work on biodiversity indicators. The grant is lead… Read more “ARC Discovery grant on Indicators: new...
Postgraduate / PhD qualifications in health economics, health services research, economics, or econometrics Demonstrated high level communication skills and capacity to work collaboratively in a multidisciplinary team environment Research experience with health economic evaluation, health technology assessment, an...