先说student lounge,感觉law喜欢各种色彩明亮的颜色~沙发很舒服有木有~law在很多的设计都有些小惊喜的,...
Melbourne School of Engineering(formerly Faculty of Engineering)、Melbourne School of Land and Environment(formerly Faculty of Land and Food Reource)、Melbourne Law School(formerly Faculty of Law)、Faculty of Medicine
从Discrete Math Major毕业,我拿到了属于我的那张Bachelor of Science学位证。离开墨尔本后,我无数次想...
墨尔本大学主校区距离市中心比较近, 生活方方面面都比较便利, 那随之而来的就是相对比较高的生活成本, ...
Melbourne is ranked among the top universities in Australia and the world. Among Australian universities, it claims a leading position in business, education, engineering, arts, law and medicine. Melbourne University is the second largest research organisation in Australia after the CSIRO. In 2008, ...
墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne,简称墨大)位于澳大利亚维多利亚洲墨尔本,全球40强世界顶尖名校是澳大利亚六所砂岩学府之一,八大名校的首要盟校成员,也是Universitas 21的创始会员和秘书处所在地,同时还是国际著名研究型大学联盟组织环太平洋大学联盟、...
留在本校读研究性硕士(对于我们专业来说是Master of Computer Science项目)对申本校phd也可以打基础。
Degree: Bachelors Provided by: University of Melbourne Deadline: 10 Dec, 2024 Scholarship value: Partial Funding, up to AUD 2,500 towards tuition fee About the Scholarship: This prize is awarded to high-achieving students commencing the third year of study in the Bachelor of Science with a...