地址: 205 Bell St, Preston VIC , Australia,墨尔本,3072 前往拉筹伯大学: 63分钟 18分钟 11分钟 前往墨尔本理工学院(Fairfield校区): 68分钟 34分钟 12分钟 设施:厨房,提供家具,洗衣房,冰箱,健身房 房租包含:无线网,水费,电费,暖气,煤气费 Campus Melbourne的所有房型 ...
see which properties are close to your university or a part of Melbourne you might be especially interested to live in. Be sure to use the map tool if you’d like to live within walking distance of your university and want to find all of our properties that are close to your campus. ...
搜尋靠近Le Cordon Bleu (Melbourne Campus)學生公寓,Le Cordon Bleu (Melbourne Campus)租屋優惠,提供Le Cordon Bleu (Melbourne Campus)最適合你的留學宿舍。STUDENT.COM學旅家為你提供專業的留學住宿租屋資訊、預訂服務, 讓你無後顧之憂!
Journal在墨尔本设有有两栋学生公寓,分别是: Journal Uni Place 详细地址::14 Leicester Street, Carlton Victoria 3053, Australia Journal Uni Place紧邻墨尔本中心,只需步行5分钟即可到达墨尔本大学,8分钟到达皇家墨尔本理工大学,附近还有电车和地铁连接到其他校区。 Journal Centra 详细地址:500 Swanston Street, Carlto...
Discover & share this Campus Uni Sticker by The University of Melbourne with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.
Campus Melbourne 为学生提供酒店式公寓,前往墨尔本充满活力的Inner North区的商店、酒吧和餐馆非常方便更多详情 地址: 205 Bell St, Preston VIC , Australia, 墨尔本, 3072查看地图 前往拉筹伯大学: 63分钟 18分钟 11分钟 前往墨尔本理工学院(Fairfield校区): 68分钟 34分钟 12分钟 设施: 厨房, 提供家具, 洗衣房...
对于既想要寻求安静独立的生活环境,又想要拥有一流的生活设施的同学来说,campus melbourne无疑是绝佳的选择。公寓提供单间套房,并配备学习中心、桌球、乒乓球、游泳池、学生酒吧和餐馆,让你学习娱乐两不误。地理位置 公寓靠近preston区众多当地的购物场所、咖啡店、餐馆和普雷斯顿集市,飞机场、有轨电车、火车和巴士都近...
If you already know what university you’ll be studying at, use our helpful map function to see which properties are close to your campus. You can sort the properties based on price to easily find the ones that are right for your budget. ...
If you already know what university you’ll be studying at, use our helpful map function to see which properties are close to your campus. You can sort the properties based on price to easily find the ones that are right for your budget. ...
免费、便利的接驳巴士往返墨尔本 免费接驳巴士 公寓信息 Campus Melbourne 为学生提供酒店式公寓,前往墨尔本充满活力的Inner North区的商店、酒吧和餐馆非常方便 地址: 205 Bell St, Preston VIC , Australia,墨尔本,3072 前往拉筹伯大学: 63分钟 18分钟 11分钟 ...