Master of Educational Psychology 教育心理学硕士 2年 Master of Instructional Leadership 教学领导力硕士 1年 Master of Modern Languages Education 现代语言教育硕士 2年 Master of Learning Intervention 教学干预硕士 1年 Master of Education (research) 教育学硕士(研究) 2年 Master of Philosophy (Education) 研...
墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne,简称墨大)始建于1853年,是澳大利亚历史第二悠久的大学,在澳洲被归为“砂岩学府(Sandstone University)之一。墨尔本大学也是澳大利亚八大名校(Group of Eight)所组成的核心盟校成员,也是Universitas 21的创始会员和秘书处所在地,同时还是国际著名研究型大学联盟组织环太平洋大学...
Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Biomedicine Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Environments Bachelor of Music 雅思6.0,单项不低于5.5或 托福60,写作18 硕士 人文与社会科学 全部课程,但不包括下列课程: Master of Journalism Master of Publishing and Communications Master of Creative Writing, Edi...
Our degrees are taught by renownedresearchers and industry leaders recognised globally for their outstandingachievements. Our students gain valuable skills in problem solving, communication,teamwork and leadership through real-world learning –...
在澳洲及全球的教育领域制定了多个全国或国际性质的教育发展方向和发展战略,为澳大利亚为人瞩目的全国教育大纲的编纂和制定提供了坚实保障。其中教学硕士专业,(master of teaching)更是被列入澳洲国家教育战略发展及人才培养计划中。毕业生的就业率达到99.3%。起薪达到5.7万澳币(28万人民币)。
Bachelor of Biomedicine Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Environments Bachelor of Music 雅思6.0,单项不低于5.5或 托福60,写作18 硕士 人文与社会科学 全部课程,但不包括下列课程: Master of Journalism Master of Publishing and Communications ...
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (3-5 years): Open to students who have completed a Master's degree (3 years) or an undergraduate degree (5 years). 4. Tuition fees and Living expenses Undergraduate tuition fees for International students: AUD 34,000 - $54,368 per year ...
Boon’s music has been performed and recorded by the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, professional chamber groups and musicians. They have been published as teaching materials and performed in Australia, Asia and Europe. Boon conducts consultations and masterclasses online and adjudicates in competitions...
As a Violinist, Mia Yang is an Australian violinist based in Melbourne. Raised up in the Sichuan Conservatorium of Music, Completed her Bachelor of Music(honours) and Master degree at Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne. Mi has performed regularly throughout Australia, in Ch...
Master's by coursework allows students to graduate into industry with an internationally recognised, professional master's degree or a graduate certificate. Students can make an impact with the graduate research programs, including the ones that lead to the award of the Doctor of Philosophy. Entry ...