Master of Geoscience 地球科学硕士 Master of Urban Horticulture 城市园艺硕士 Master of Science 理学硕士(生物信息学、生物科学、地球科学、化学、数学和统计、物理学) Master of Food and Packaging Innovation 食品与包装创新硕士 Master of Food Science 食品科学硕士 Master of Data Science 数据科学硕士 (成绩不...
duration. According to the official website, the estimated tuition fees for the Master of Laws ...
此学位欢迎法学本科或非法学本科生报读。 *法律博士 (Juris Doctor) 属于基础法律学位,并不等同法学博士(LLD or Doctor of Laws) 。 点击查看详情 法律硕士(Melbourne Law Masters) 墨尔本大学法律硕士是一个授课式硕士课程,学制为一年 (全日制),采用集中课堂面授, 由本校资深教授、国内外知名学者、司法界著名大法...
如果offer上的学位是Master of laws,剩下的选修课范围很广,可以根据自己的兴趣、职业规划、课程难易程...
to have achieved excellent grades in their bachelor's degree, preferably in the field of law or...
Master of Biomedical Science – 生物醫學理學碩士 墨爾本大學的生物醫學理學碩士 (Master of Biomedical Science)是一項為期兩年的課程,專為希望進一步發展生物醫學專業技能或投身研究領域的學生設計。課程融合了理論學習與實驗室實踐,幫助學生在全球化健康挑戰中成為領先的專業人才 ...
Our degrees are taught by renownedresearchers and industry leaders recognised globally for their outstandingachievements. Our students gain valuable skills in problem solving, communication,teamwork and leadership through real-world learning –...
Hiring a professional electrician brings many benefits beyond basic safety. Certified electricians undergo extensive training and hands-on experience to master their craft, ensuring they can handle a wide range of electrical jobs accurately and safely. In Salisbury, licensed electricians are familiar with...
included Melbourne's own Joseph Reed, who was responsible for the design of many of the early campus buildings. Although the master-plan was followed until the 1930s, the 1950s saw the modernist style established as a new "house style", resulting in the mix of university buildings seen ...
Prior to that firm he was the Principal of Lucas and Marshman Lawyers. Nick graduated from Monash University with a Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws. Nick has extensive experience in Commercial Law, Litigation, Will disputes, Property Law, Trusts, Estate Planning, Family Law, Property...