Master of Modern Languages Education 现代语言教育硕士 2年 Master of Learning Intervention 教学干预硕士 1年 Master of Education (research) 教育学硕士(研究) 2年 Master of Philosophy (Education) 研究型硕士(教育) 2年 Master of Education Psychology/Doctor of Philosophy 教育心理学硕士/PhD 4年 Doctor of...
#2025澳洲留学申请##Melbourne# 墨尔本大学Master of Education课程设置调整,2025年S1开始,新增2个方向:the science of Learning, digital futures and innovative practices
The Master of Education will give you a strong foundation in education practice and theory, allowing you to pursue your own interests and specialist teaching through research and elective subjects in a number of specialised areas. This course is ideal for those wishing to strengthen their skills as...
Master of education in Melbourne uni 分为8个specialization 1.Arts Education 2. Assessment and Pedagogy 3. Equity, Diversity and Social Change 4. Leadership and Management 5. Literacy Education 6. Math and Science education 7. Policy in a Global Context. 8 Student Wellbeing 大家想要了解哪一个分...
找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Master of Education (Educational Management) - Research 教育硕士(教育管理) 学位类型:Master Degree 专业方向:教育 所属学校:The University of Melbourne(墨尔本大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
Master of Actuarial Science 精算科学硕士 Master of International Business 国际商务硕士 Master of Entrepreneurship 创业学硕士 Master of Management 管理学硕士,包括下面所有细分专业(Accounting、Finance、Markeing和Human Resource) GMAT630+或GRE315+...
Therefore, if you want to apply for the Master of Education program at the University of Melbour...
Section one reviews the progressive changes in teacher education since the mid-1980s and Section two describes the theoretical conceptual thinking behind the restructuring of the Melbourne Graduate School of Education's model for the Master of Teaching degree....
–Master of Education – 教育碩士Master of Biomedical Science – 生物醫學理學碩士 墨爾本大學的生物醫學理學碩士 (Master of Biomedical Science) 是一項為期兩年的課程,專為希望進一步發展生物醫學專業技能或投身研究領域的學生設計。課程融合了理論學習與實驗室實踐,幫助學生在全球化健康挑戰中成為領先的專業人才課程...
Master of Education 基本信息 学分 暂无 项目时长 暂无 学费估算 暂无 GMAT Code 暂无 托福/GRE Code 暂无 申请截止日期 秋季 申请信息 项目官网查看该项目详情 Applied Psychology Master of Information Systems Master of Public Policy and Management