PersonalityTemperamentTemperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego Autoquestionnaire versionPath analysisDysfunctional attitudeIn Japan, TEMPS-A has gathered much attention, because Kraepelin's concepts on "fundamental states" of mood disorder and temperaments have been widely respected. ...
(CHD) patients in Japan revealed that: CHD patients with TABP were significantly more likely to have a depression-prone personality, what Tellenbach calls "Typus Melancholicus"; this tendency was observed not only in CHD patients but also among healthy Type A subjects; and TM is positively ...
personalitymelancholic and non-melancholic depressionsub-typingObjective: We test whether there is differential representation of disordered personality function across melancholic and non-melancholic depressive sub-types, with levels of differentiation examined against differing sub-typing measures. Method: In ...
The use of case histories in examining the premorbid personality of affectively ill patients is especially useful in the case of patients with a predominantly manic course of the disorder, because this kind of affective illness is very rare. The concept of the "manic type" of premorbid ...