The Bounty Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, Laurence Olivier 309 votes In this period drama inspired by true events, Mel Gibson stars as Fletcher Christian – a British seaman who leads a mutiny against tyrannical Captain William Bligh (played by Sir Anthony Hopkins) on the HM...
The Bounty Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, Laurence Olivier 309 votes In this period drama inspired by true events, Mel Gibson stars as Fletcher Christian – a British seaman who leads a mutiny against tyrannical Captain William Bligh (played by Sir Anthony Hopkins) on the HMS Bounty. As tensions...
The Bounty(1984) This third film version of the true-life tale of mutiny on the high seas foundered at the box office. Before Mel goes nativee he looks a uncomfortable as the ship’s mate, Mr. Christian.B- Pinup-poster Mel: Shirtless in Tahiti, he hammers a spike into the ground un...
The Bounty(1984)My thoughts:The fourth film version about the mutiny of the Bounty. Gibson follows in the footsteps of Errol Flynn, Clark Gable, and Marlon Brando as he plays Fletcher Christian. A good movie with Anthony Hopkins stealing the movie and keep an eye out for a very young Liam...
The Bounty Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, Laurence Olivier 309 votes In this period drama inspired by true events, Mel Gibson stars as Fletcher Christian – a British seaman who leads a mutiny against tyrannical Captain William Bligh (played by Sir Anthony Hopkins) on the HM...