Mel by Melissa has collaborated with the mighty Disney Power House that is Frozen and Melissa Jelly Shoes! Your little ones will be thrilled to be wearing pumps inspired by Elsa and Anna. The classic Ultragirl's hidden micro wedge and padded footbed make
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Plastic Dream: Brazilian Brand Melissa Sculpts Shoes for Mother and Child with Super Malleable MelflexWalker, Meagan
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My sweet girl Ruby died this past May. RIP you old crank. I miss you even though you loved to shit on my shoes. We did afinal photo shootfor her the week prior to her endgame. Please go forth and see the beautiful photos my dear friend Jeff Fuller-Freeman did for us. Also, call...
by Melissa L. Weber (@Melwriter, When was the last time you read a daily newspaper? I just finished today’s Columbus Dispatch. It was an “expense topic” last year at our retreat. My husband and I both love getting a daily paper. We got them when we were kids –...