MEK6510 hematology analyzer Nihon Kohden diluent Hemolyse diagnostic lab reagent Our reagents are 100% compatible with Nihon Kohden analyzers Nihon Kohden Series Suitable Model Item No. Products Name Specification MEK6510 MKE6118K MEK6108K MEK6318K MEK8118K MEK6410P JXK-282 Diluent 2...
R Injac,K Karljikovic-Rajic,B Strukelj 摘要: A novel and simple method has been developed for the determination of doxycycline (DOX) in biological fluids. The method is based on SPE, large-volume sample stacking (LVSS) and MEKC with UV-DAD detection. Six SPE cartridges have been used ...
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