Meiosis occurs in what type of cells? (somatic or germ or both) Which of the following cellular processes produces gametes? (a) Mitosis (b) Glycogenesis (c) Apoptosis (d) Meiosis. In which process are chromatids separated from each other? a. Mitosis only b. Mitosis and meiosis...
Meiosis is the process of cells splitting into four haploid cells, thus reducing the chromosome number by half in each cell. They also give rise to gametes in the human body, but plant spores in plants. Meiosisoccurs in the sex cells, so the sperm and egg cells in the human body, to ...
Can mitosis occur in all types of cells? Mitosis occurs in somatic cells, which are all cells of the body except for germ cells that undergo meiosis. 12 What mechanisms in meiosis increase genetic variation? Crossing over (the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes) and indep...
4 cells with 46 chromosomes; 2 cells with 23 chromosomes C. 2 cells with 46 chromosomes; 4 cells with 23 chromosomes D. 4 cells Meiosis starts with cells and produces gametes. a. diploid, haploid b. diploid, diploid c. haploid, ...
This type of cell division only occurs in reproductive cells or gametes of the body such as egg cells in females and sperm cells in males. The four stages of meiosis in order are Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. Each of the meiosis phases plays a critical role in the ...
What is meiosis and what is meiosis used for? Understand what type of cell division produces gametes. Learn about the steps of meiosis and what...
Meiosis I: a unique segregation event Once recombination has been completed, cells enter the meiotic divisions. Meiosis I is a unique type of chromo- some-segregation event because it is the homologue pairs that segregate from each other, rather than the sister chromatids, as occurs in mitosis...
1.(Biology) a type of cell division in which a nucleus divides into four daughter nuclei, each containing half the chromosome number of the parent nucleus: occurs in all sexually reproducing organisms in which haploid gametes or spores are produced. ComparemitosisSee alsoprophase2 ...
In the final stage of meiosis I, chromosomes become diffuse and reformation of nuclear membrane occurs. 6. Cytokinesis: Here, cells are finally divided to form two new cells, followed by Meiosis II. The Haploid cells (newly formed) consist of one copy of each chromosome. ...
Meiosis: a cellular division process that creates aneuploid gametes in sexually reproducing species Occurs inovariesOvariesOvaries are the paired gonads of the female reproductive system that contain haploid gametes known as oocytes. The ovaries are located intraperitoneally in the pelvis, just posterior ...