Late prophase and first metaphase in female meiosis of Drosophila melanogasterdoi:10.1111/j.1601-5223.1977.tb00946.xLars DVRINGMargareta SunnerBlackwell Publishing Ltd
Requirement of Cks2 for the First Metaphase/Anaphase Transition of Mammalian Meiosis We generated mice lacking Cks2, one of two mammalian homologs of the yeast Cdki-binding proteins, Suc1 and Cks1, and found them to be viable but sterile in... Spruck CH.,de Miguel MP.,Smith APL.,... ...
Metaphase 1In this phase, tetrads align at the metaphase plate and the centromeres of the homologous chromosomes become oriented towards either side of the cell poles. Anaphase 1The chromosomes start moving to the opposite poles of the cells. The microtubules and kinetochore fibers also interact ...
Meiosis, a reductional cell division, relies on precise initiation, maturation, and resolution of crossovers (COs) during prophase I to ensure the accurate segregation of homologous chromosomes during metaphase I. This process is regulated by the interplay of RING-E3 ligases such as RNF212 and ...
Although the homologs can faithfully separate from each other at the end of meiosis I, the uncorrected merotelic attachment of paired sister kinetochores at the early stage of metaphase I in brk1 reduces the tension across homologous kinetochores, causes the metaphase I spindle to be aberrantly ...
Cytological analysis indicated that in the OsMRE11-deficient plants, homologous pairing was totally inhibited, and the chromosomes were completely entangled as a formation of multivalents at metaphase I, leading to the consequence of serious chromosome fragmentation during anaphase I. Immunofluorescence ...
Only in response to the mid-cycle surge of gonadotropins will oocytes of preovulatory follicles overcome the meiosis arresting effect of hypoxanthine and resume meiosis proceeding to the metaphase of the second meiotic division. Morphologically, resumption of meiosis is observed by the disappearance of...
The prometaphase and metaphase bivalent comprises 2 pairs of chromatids which evince no repulsion except at the kinetochores. This parallel association of 4 homologues is maintained against a force sufficient to attenuate the chromosome between the kinetochore and the paired region. The meiotic ...
Sperm penetration was also found to stimulate the completion of meiotic maturation of oocytes inhibited at metaphase-I with 8% DMSO.doi:10.1016/0093-691X(94)90662-3R.C. ChianK NiwaElsevier BVTheriogenologyChian RC, Niwa K. Completion of first meiosis by sperm penetration in vitro of bovine ...
albomaculatus the oogonial metaphase complement consisted of 18 chromosomes including a large pair while the males were found to be dimorphic with respect to their sex chromosome constitution. Type A (XO type) had 17 chromosomes in the spermatogonial metaphase complement with a pair of large ...